
  • Entrepreneurial Secret #06

    Entrepreneurs Secret #6

    It’s Not the Steps you take…

    The process you took, how long it took, or who you took is not as important as the impressions you left on the lives of those you impacted on the way. The media likes to glorify the superstars, the millionaire before age 13, the persons who was able to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, the girl or guy who was first in this or that group. Those are, or would be great accomplishments. The problem is, like most things in life we forget about them or they becomes common place. No one is impressed that you can talk to your friends on a phone that you can carry around and it’s not connected to the wall. At one point in time that was impressive.

    The only true thing in life that lasts is the impact we have on the lives of others. It could be one person or 1 million people. The few degrees of separation that exists between people can cause a person who has only directly impacted one person can now indirectly have a profound impact on the lives of millions. We see it in the current day lives of religious speaker Joyce Myers, television host Oprah Winfrey, and software billionaire Bill Gates and his non-profit foundation, just to name a few. The manner in which they now leave an impression on the lives of others is unmistakable and will last well beyond their life.

    As entrepreneurs, we should be striving to leave a positive impact on the lives of our family, employees, and our customers. They will be our true measure of success or failure. Is your family or employees happy to see you come or see you go? Are your customers having more problems since they chose you or has their lives become easier? If we are not focusing on adding value to those we serve then we are by default taking value from them. Remember, Those who take more than they give, at some point will be required to give it all.

    If you have any comments or a topic you would like for me discuss, please leave a comment. If you liked the posts tell a friend who you think would too.

    Thank you,

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

  • Entrepreneurial Secret #08

    Entrepreneurial Secret #8

    Every Business is a Service Business.

    Would you leave your house naked wearing only your socks and shoes? Most people would say no. That is what is happening in many small businesses. They believe they are covering all aspects of their business to be successful and they have no idea that “The emperor has no clothes.”

    It doesn’t matter if you sell items like socks, clocks, or automobiles you are still in the service industry. Entrepreneurs who provide tangible products and only focus on the features that product provides are only focused on 20% of their business.  The remaining 80% is in the servicing of your customers and employees. The company that deliver the best customer experience within it’s market niche will win every time. This includes knowing you exist, your solution to their problem, how simple the solution process is and what happens before, during and after they say yes.

    Remember to put and wear the shoes of your customers often. Always remember, the more customers KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you. The more they will buy from you and recommend those they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST to buy from you too. I challenge you to find more ways to serve your customers better. Many ways are free to you but worth millions to your customer.

    Thank you,

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

  • Entrepreneurial Secret #07



    Feel Better or Become Better

    As an entrepreneurs you can surround yourself with things and people whose only purpose is to help you feel better or with people and things that will help you to become better. The most successful entrepreneurs know to become better at business and person life you must become better first.

    If you want a better staff, more customers, better profits, more time to enjoy life then you must become better. That does not happen without resistance and growth. Many entrepreneurs while on the path of success have focused on doing things that makes them feel comfortable. Being comfortable is not bad. But if make comfort be your sole focus can be destructive to your growth. Unless your business is manufacturing mattresses or sleepwear then it should not be your driving force.

    Getting better involves discomfort, at least in the initial stages. Look around you. Are there more things around you to make you comfortable (sofa, TV, video games) or uncomfortable (exercise equipment, books or training material)? What is the one thing in your business or person life you know would cause you discomfort? But, if you did it you would become better afterwards? I challenge you to do it now. If not now, then today. If not today when?

    Please Subscribe. If you have any comments, questions or a topic you would like for me discuss, please leave a comment. I will get back to you and possibly feature your comment in a future post.

    Thank you,

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.
