The Story of Never Give Up!

While sitting and watching a nature show with my children, there was a scene of a baby Water Buffalo being caught by five lions. They had trapped it on the bank of a river and were attempting to pull it out for the final death grip. While the buffalo was struggling to get away from the lions a crocodile came from behind and grabbed it on its hind leg. The crocodile was biting down with a pressure of 2,500 pounds per square Inch and pulling it into the water and the lions where biting down with about 4-500 pounds per square inch each. They were pulling back and forth on the Water Buffalo. This tug of war ended with the lions pulling the calf out of the crock’s mouth onto the dry land.

But, the story does not end there. All of a sudden, there is a large black mass of muscle moving toward the lions. It was the other Water Buffalo coming back to save the calf. As the calf struggled to get away one of the lions was chased off by one of the buffalos, another was thrown into the air by another and the remaining lions no longer were thinking about their potential meal, but how to survive.

The story ends with the calf getting a way and surviving the attacks of 5 lions and a crocodile. The lesson I told my children to take away from that scene was “No matter how bad a situation may look, as long as you have breath in you,  never give up hope!

If this blog has helped you in any way please leave me a comment. Thanks.

Until next time:
Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
Dewong Lucas, Sr.


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