Never confuse AVAILABILITY with ABILITY. Being available to do something does not mean they are able to do it! Choose your help wisely or suffer the headaches.
It is common practice to place or hire someone into a position because you are in urgent need of help. Choosing the wrong person can cause you to spend more time, money, and energy than if you would have waited and chosen the right person.
You see it in managers who have no idea what managing means and in customer service reps that provide absolutely no customer services.
Choosing the wrong person for a task is the same as choosing a hammer to tighten a loose screw.
Do you already have the wrong person, and they have a desire to be the right person? Be prepared to spend time and money on proper training and follow up work until they are performing at the level you desire. If you are not getting MEASURABLE results in a REASONABLE amount of time, then it may be time to replace them. Remember everyone is not cutout to do what you need done.
If this blog has helped you in anyway please leave me a comment. Thanks.
Until next week:
Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
Dewong Lucas, Sr.
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