It is better to stand and fall than to sit and only dream!
Many people would have accomplished much more in life if they had only stood up! This simple process of moving the lower half of our body gives us a change of perspective. A change of perspective gives us new ways of seeing and finding solutions to our challenges. If you never stand up and risk failure you will never get a different view of what is facing you.
Similarly a person who chooses to lie down in the face of danger will always be smaller than the challenge facing them. The simple solution is to change your belief about failure and work from your beliefs of success and not the feedback of others. Those who have never failed and anything has never tried anything. There is truth in the saying “No risk no gains.”
The problem with only dreaming is it can cause you to dream your entire life away and get absolutely nothing done. Dreaming can be a place of comfort and safety that causes procrastination. This line of think and behaving is one of “You can’t fail if you don’t try.” The reality is that you have already failed. Only dreaming is like filling a plate of your favorite food and never eating. You will starve to death! Failure is something you may do not who you are. Failures should be viewed as street signs pointing us in the direction of our goals and desires.
Therefore as you travel the road of life going from point to point expect to see street signs. Ignoring the signs will cause you to get lost and possibly never reaching your destination.
If this blog has helped you in anyway please leave me a comment. Thanks.
Until next week:
Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
Dewong Lucas, Sr.
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