There are 4 Types of People. In this secret I will be discussing a topic that can help you as an entrepreneur if you are someday are going to hire employees or if you haven’t started yet decide who would be a great partner for you. As I describe the four types of people think about your personality and see where do you fit. To make it easier to understand lets use an example of an assembly plant.
1) How Person – This is the first level employee that knows HOW to do the work that needs to be done and does it. This would be the assembly line worker.
2) What Person – This person would be the Manager or line supervisors. They know WHAT work needs to be done and delegates and supervises it to the How person.
3) WHY Person – Th person is typically upper management or executives. They know WHY the works should be done and strategically plans it. They then hand it off to the WHAT person who then delegates it to the HOW person.
4) WHO Person – This is the entrepreneur WHO creates the ideas that generates the work that the other 3 plans, supervises, delegates and does.
Sometimes you as an entrepreneur may be all 4. The power of a great entrepreneur is the ability to understand and adapt to the situation.
I have meet many people who had the ability to be great entrepreneurs. They problem was they had no desire to be. They like the idea of having the benefits, but did not what the responsibility that goes with being an entrepreneur. There were others did not mind the responsibility but could not get over the fear on not getting what they perceived as being a guaranteed paycheck every two weeks.
You might of had a someone in mind that you wanted as a business partner and couldn’t figure out why they would not want to go into business with you. They had they the talent and abilities you needed and would be a great asset. You did everything in your power to make it an easy transition for them. You even practically offered them an office and all they had to do is play Solitaire all day, but they still refused. Don’t worry. It’s not you. There is nothing you can do to change their minds. All you can do is keep moving and later on when your business can afford it you can hire them.
Understanding the 4 types of people will save plenty of headaches and money, by not putting wrong type person in the wrong position. Spend time memorizing each type of person. When interviewing pay attention to past employments and ask questions about future objectives, goals and dreams. The answers will help you determine where this person could fit within your organization.
Leave a comment and let me know if this helped you or what you think. If you have an issue in your business you would like to be address, or you need direction on starting your business just write it in the comment section.
Thank you.
Dewong Lucas, Sr.
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