Feel Better or Become Better
As an entrepreneurs you can surround yourself with things and people whose only purpose is to help you feel better or with people and things that will help you to become better. The most successful entrepreneurs know to become better at business and person life you must become better first.
If you want a better staff, more customers, better profits, more time to enjoy life then you must become better. That does not happen without resistance and growth. Many entrepreneurs while on the path of success have focused on doing things that makes them feel comfortable. Being comfortable is not bad. But if make comfort be your sole focus can be destructive to your growth. Unless your business is manufacturing mattresses or sleepwear then it should not be your driving force.
Getting better involves discomfort, at least in the initial stages. Look around you. Are there more things around you to make you comfortable (sofa, TV, video games) or uncomfortable (exercise equipment, books or training material)? What is the one thing in your business or person life you know would cause you discomfort? But, if you did it you would become better afterwards? I challenge you to do it now. If not now, then today. If not today when?
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Thank you,
Dewong Lucas, Sr.
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