Entrepreneurial Secret #05


Entrepreneurs Know Their Balance.

At first glance you might think that I’m referring to financial balance. Although financial balance is important it is not the most important. The balance that I’m referring to is your life’s balance.

  1. Mental Balance – Ability to do what it takes rain or shine.
  2. Emotional Balance – Allow you to handle the ups and downs of Startup
  3. Physical Balance – Stamina to make the long haul.
  4. Social Balance – Ability to rally others to your cause and enjoy

The success or failure of your business especially at the beginning, is directly related to how well you are balanced in these areas. Many start-ups have gone under simply because the founder was out of balance. How to maintain balance? Always keep the end desire in mind and do the following:

  1. Mental – Create small successes and build to larger.
  2. Emotional – Remember – All sunshine creates a desert. Rain is needed to help the flowers grow. Times are not always good.
  3. Physical – Start where you are and commit to do something every day!
  4. Social – Communicate. Listen to understand and then speak to be understood.

If you have any comments or a topic you would like for me discuss, please leave a comment. I will get back to you and possibly feature your comment and you if you like in a future post. If you like the posts tell a friend who think would like it also.

Thank you,

Dewong Lucas, Sr.




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