Payment is Better Than Perfect
Too often the highly educated or very analytical entrepreneur gets caught up in the paralysis of analysis. They spend too much time analyzing and theorizing how to make the perfect product or service and they never produce one. There is no perfect product or service. The excitement of being human is that there is always room for improvement. How can imperfection produce perfection?
If you take a look at any product on the market, you will notice they all went through some form of improvement. To delay bringing something to market only after it is totally perfected would mean nothing would ever be produced. There is no perfect product, perfect launch time, perfect packaging, perfect branding, name, or anything else. All there is, is what you have now. If you’ve done your homework and you’re delivering value, all you can do is provide the minimum value product (MVP). This will allow you to validate your proof of concept with minimal loss. Listen to the feedback of your target market and adjust accordingly. If you constantly do this you will arrive at what your customer perceives to be the perfect product or service. They will sing you praises and promote it to everyone they know.
Focus on delivering a quality product not a perfect product.
If you have any comments or a topic you would like for me discuss, please leave a comment. I will get back to you and possibly feature your comment and you if you like in a future post.
Thank you,
Dewong Lucas, Sr.
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