There is no success or failure.
There is only results. The results that we get are either the ones we want (success) or the ones we don’t (failure). So success or failure is defined by each person and is accepted or rejected by each person. The person that has spent time to define for themselves the meaning of success or failure will do much better in life than the ones who only live by what others have defined them to be.
To be a successful entrepreneur you must clearly define what that means to you. Any result outside of that definition is just experimenting to learn how to get the results you are looking for. Success should be defined as a process not an end point. The end point is the goal. Continuing along to the goal is success.
You may hear success defined by friends, family and advertisers. That’s also where you learned about the Easter Bunny. A rabbit laying eggs.. Really?
Create your own reality and don’t live someone else’s fantasy, or it could turn into a nightmare.
Dewong Lucas, Sr.
Leave a comment if you have a pain point in your business you would like to be address, need direction on starting your business, or just let me know what you think. Thank you.
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