The saddest conversion to have at the twilight of your life is to start talking about all the things that could have been. The would have, could have, and the should haves are all results of choices and opportunities not gone after.
Dreams are the desires that will never come true until you take them from the imaginary and bring them into the reality. They are brought into reality by writing them down and putting a date when it will be acquired. When we add the third dimension of time to whatever you are dreaming about you now make it tangible and obtainable. There are other steps necessary for acquiring it but this one is important. If you never add a date you want to have it then you probably don’t truly want it. Somethings may be more exciting just dreaming about them. While others don’t allow us to sleep.
It’s a far better legacy to say “I tried that myself.” rather than “I denied that to myself.”
Dewong Lucas, Sr.
Founder, Helping Entrepreneurs
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