Don’t Get Lost Chasing Butterflies!

Don’t Get Lost Chasing Butterflies. This statement is a warning against getting distracted by what looks good or might make you feel good at the moment and lose track of what is important and necessary.

It is natural for us to wanting to avoid what we perceive as painful and go after that what we see as pleasurable. This pain could be physical or emotional. Just as the pain; the pleasure could be physical or emotional as well.

The things that keep most people from reaching their true destiny are not the obstacles in the way, but the distractions along the way. It’s not that they don’t have the ability or even the desire to reach their goals. In most cases it’s that they simply run out of time. We all have a finite number of heart beats and breaths that we are going to take. Doesn’t it make sense to use them to reach our destiny? Before reaching your destiny, the butterflies are like detour signs on the road of life. Once we have reached our destiny we then can chase the butterflies of life.

If this blog has helped you in anyway please leave me a comment. Thanks.

Until next week:
Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
Dewong Lucas, Sr.


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