Category: Success

  • The Journey of 1000 miles begins with Wearing the Right Shoes!

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    The journey of 1000 miles begins with wearing the right shoes! This is my personal modification of the Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu’s quote “The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” My modification deals with what you must do before you take the first step. The preparation for that step. Not having the right shoes can cause the most pleasant journey very painful. There have been many great journeys that did not end at the intended destination. They did not reach the destination or they ended up in a completely different place.

    Before you take that first step it is important to plan and prepare for a successful trip. Many people set out on journeys without a clear picture of where they want to go or a clue of how to get there.

    This is the time of the year when people prepare for the coming year. It is import to set goals for the future, but it is also important to examine the distance you have traveled so far. Remember every journey has two points. It has a destination and an origin. If you don’t spend time to understand where you are, how do you know which direction you must go?

    I will not go into details about the emotional and psychological processes necessary. I will only deal with the mechanics of the process. The entire process can be captured within the understanding of how a map works. If we were to travel from Los Angeles, California to New York City there are many options to getting there. These options include methods of travel (walk, cycle, car, bus, air plane) and routes (northern, southern, eastern, or western) to get there.

    There are two very important steps regardless of the method of travel or route that must be done first. The first step is to determine where you are and second is where you want to go. Once these two steps are done they will influence every other process.

    Where you are:
    You must know your starting point.

    1. Physically (location, health, strength, attributes)
    2. Emotional (stressed, anger, depressed)
    3. Intellectually (knowledge, Understanding)
    4. Skills (training, experience)
    5. Behaviorally (introvert, extrovert, self-starter, procrastinator)
    6. Relationally (single, married, children, friends, loner)

    Where do you want to go:
    You must know your destination.

    1. Physically- If you desire to lose weight or gain weight, how much and by when. If you desire to get healthy, what does that mean? Does it mean you can walk/run further or faster, lower blood pressure, able to lift a certain amount of weight? Get more/better sleep? Needing less medication.
    2. Emotionally- How do you know when stress is reduced or gone? How do you know when someone loves you? How do you know when you are in love? What brings you joy? What brings you happiness? (They are not the same!)
    3. Intellectually – What type of degree do you want? Which language do you want to learn? Will you learn on-line or in a classroom?
    4. Skills – What instrument do you want to learn? What type of painting or drawing you want to learn to do? What type of home remodeling or repair you would like to learn. What type of self-defense you what to learn? How fast do you want to be able to read? What type of public speaking do you want to do?
    5. Behavioral – How early do you need to get up? How late do you need to stay up? How far do you need to drive? How long do need to study or practice? What type of exercise do you need to do and how often do you need to do it? What types of food do you need to eat?
    6. Relationships – What new relations must you develop? How do you establish them? What existing relationships will be impacted and by how much? Will you have to rely on someone else as you travel your journey? Will you need sponsors to finance you or guides to show you the way?

    I hope this so far has help you. In my next blog I will discuss, what will you take,  what do you need to leave behind, and understanding the signs along the way.

    If this blog has helped you in any way please leave me a comment. Thanks.

    Until next time:
    Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

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  • Money Doesn’t Change it Magnifies!

    Many people have avoided or have a fear of becoming wealthy because they are afraid of what they may become. My advice to them would be not to worry about what you will become if you became wealthy but what you are now. I believe money does not change who you are as a person. It acts as a magnifying lens to magnify your true character. If you have cracks and flaws in your character they will be magnified and exposed to more people. All the things we don’t want exposed we should remove or repair.

    If you are a person who gives when you don’t have much you will be a person who will give more when you have more. That doesn’t mean giving without guidance. You can give financially to a person who is not mentally ready to handle it and completely destroy them. Money like any other tool requires wisdom in its proper storage and usage.  Like a tool, if it is not stored or used properly it can be dangerous to the user and those nearby.

    It is an illusion to believe a person will start giving “once they get on their feet”. If you are person who acts selfish, money will simply give you more opportunities to act selfish. Notice I used ACT selfish not ARE selfish. Acting is something that you can change at will, while being is out of your control. You cannot stop being human. You can stop acting human but you still will be human.

    One truth that must be understood is that money is an illusion that can be created at will. I will explain this concept in detail in another blog. For now, the focus should not be what money will make you become, but what you must become to make money. Most of us have never been taught the necessary emotional and character traits that allows us to become emotionally and financial successful. We have been told plenty of what not to do, but very little of what to do.

    There are six traits that must be constantly worked on for financial success to happen. These traits are Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Did you notice how all of them are internal traits that you must direct towards others. True success is rarely if at all about you. As my current status on my FaceBook page states “A person that works well alone can invent a wheel. A person that works well with others can invent an automobile. Great success requires others.”

    Spend time working on those character traits and you will be amazed how your life, not just financially will grow beyond what you thought was possible.

    If this blog has helped you in any way please leave me a comment. Thanks.

    Until next time:
    Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

  • The Story of Never Give Up!

    While sitting and watching a nature show with my children, there was a scene of a baby Water Buffalo being caught by five lions. They had trapped it on the bank of a river and were attempting to pull it out for the final death grip. While the buffalo was struggling to get away from the lions a crocodile came from behind and grabbed it on its hind leg. The crocodile was biting down with a pressure of 2,500 pounds per square Inch and pulling it into the water and the lions where biting down with about 4-500 pounds per square inch each. They were pulling back and forth on the Water Buffalo. This tug of war ended with the lions pulling the calf out of the crock’s mouth onto the dry land.

    But, the story does not end there. All of a sudden, there is a large black mass of muscle moving toward the lions. It was the other Water Buffalo coming back to save the calf. As the calf struggled to get away one of the lions was chased off by one of the buffalos, another was thrown into the air by another and the remaining lions no longer were thinking about their potential meal, but how to survive.

    The story ends with the calf getting a way and surviving the attacks of 5 lions and a crocodile. The lesson I told my children to take away from that scene was “No matter how bad a situation may look, as long as you have breath in you,  never give up hope!

    If this blog has helped you in any way please leave me a comment. Thanks.

    Until next time:
    Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
    Dewong Lucas, Sr.