Category: Strategy

  • To Fly Like an Eagle..You Must Be Willing to Work Like a Dog


    Many new entrepreneurs and some long timers, look around to see other businesses succeeding and wonder why theirs haven’t taken off. Some assume those businesses were lucky, had great connections, or had tons of money to advertise. That may be true in a few cases, but for the majority this is far from the truth.

    The reality is, most follow close to if not to the letter of a success formula (KUSA) that I discovered years ago. The key ingredient in the formula is action! Action is another word for work. No matter how you slice it, the only time play comes before work is in the dictionary. You must be willing to put the work in first. And not just any work. It must be planned, purposeful and effective work. Working for the sake of doing work keeps you busy, but you don’t accomplish very much except get you tired.

    The most work and the most fear is at the beginning. But you must BEGIN! A race was never won a spectator. You have to get in and start running. Once you get moving less energy is needed to keep moving. Basic physics tells us that in order push something across the floor we first have to overcome the friction, the resistance to change. That is also true for us. I believe that’s nature’s way of seeing if we’re really serious.

    Every new height you’re able reach is made possible because of the work in did in the previous one. If you truly want to sore like an eagle then be willing to work like a dog. Willing doesn’t mean you always will, it just mean when you need to you will. No complaining, no hesitation just grind it out.

    Best wishes on your success!

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

    Founder, Helping Entrepreneurs

  • Entrepreneurial Secret #11

    Entrepreneurial Secret #11

    You Can’t Win Unless You Compete

    Many would be business owners never make it or reach their full potential in business or life because the are too afraid of a little competition. Many try to sneak in under the radar hoping they can become successful without their competition knowing about it. This is just a fantasy that is waiting to turn into a nightmare.

    When I refer to winning I don’t mean going into business with a scarcity mentality in which you believe that if your competition is doing well that means you won’t be able to. There is more than enough business for those who are truly willing to do what it takes to satisfy it’s customer’s and their business needs.

    You can’t win unless you are willing to fail. To fall flat on your face, get up and try again. The average successful person has failed 17 times before they got it right. No one gets the Gold Medal in the Olympics by practicing the hardest. No one gets a 100% on the test just because the spent long hours studying. You have to compete you have to put what you know or can do to the test. If you put the work in and it doesn’t turn out the way you expected. Know you tried and have no regrets. In the words of Art Williams, the man who changed a trillion dollar industry..”All you can do is all you can do”

    Thank you,

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

  • Entrepreneurial Secret #08

    Entrepreneurial Secret #8

    Every Business is a Service Business.

    Would you leave your house naked wearing only your socks and shoes? Most people would say no. That is what is happening in many small businesses. They believe they are covering all aspects of their business to be successful and they have no idea that “The emperor has no clothes.”

    It doesn’t matter if you sell items like socks, clocks, or automobiles you are still in the service industry. Entrepreneurs who provide tangible products and only focus on the features that product provides are only focused on 20% of their business.  The remaining 80% is in the servicing of your customers and employees. The company that deliver the best customer experience within it’s market niche will win every time. This includes knowing you exist, your solution to their problem, how simple the solution process is and what happens before, during and after they say yes.

    Remember to put and wear the shoes of your customers often. Always remember, the more customers KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you. The more they will buy from you and recommend those they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST to buy from you too. I challenge you to find more ways to serve your customers better. Many ways are free to you but worth millions to your customer.

    Thank you,

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.