Category: Personal Development

  • Entrepreneurial Secret #01


    There is no success or failure.

    There is only results. The results that we get are either the ones we want (success) or the ones we don’t (failure). So success or failure is defined by each person and is accepted or rejected by each person. The person that has spent time to define for themselves the meaning of success or failure will do much better in life than the ones who only live by what others have defined them to be.

    To be a successful entrepreneur you must clearly define what that means to you. Any result outside of that definition is just experimenting to learn how to get the results you are looking for. Success should be defined as a process not an end point. The end point is the goal. Continuing along to the goal is success.

    You may hear success defined by friends, family and advertisers. That’s also where you learned about the Easter Bunny. A rabbit laying eggs.. Really?

    Create your own reality and don’t live someone else’s fantasy, or it could turn into a nightmare.

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

    Leave a comment if you have a pain point in your business you would like to be address, need direction on starting your business, or just let me know what you think. Thank you.

    Helping Entrepreneurs
    Helping Entrepreneurs
  • Past success is like taking a breath.

    Past success is like talking a breath. It can only take you to this moment and if
    you hold on to it too long you will not survive.

    The two most telling statements about a person’s lack of progress are:

    ”I should have…” or ”I remember when I use to…”

    There is nothing you can do about what happened yesterday except remember it. Past successes are only stepping stones to future successes. They should be used to eliminate fears, worries and doubts. There is a biblical story about a man named David who was able to conquer a giant because he remembered that in the past he killed a lion and he killed a bear. This gave him the additional confidence to know that he had the ability to conquer this giant as well. Remember some of our biggest giants are not the ones that are outside of us. They are the ones that are inside. The ones we have been carrying around with us that we allow to grow bigger.

    What giant B.E.A.R.s are you facing that have limited you? What successes can you reflect upon to give you the courage to move forward and win?

    If this blog has helped you in any way please leave me a comment. Thanks.

    Until next time:

    Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

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  • Those who GIVE the most will HAVE the most!

    If this is your first time, welcome! If not, welcome back!

    Those who give the most will always have the most is from the principle of sowing and reaping. If more of us would think like farmers and start sowing the seeds of what we want, we will always have abundance. If you sow the seeds of friendship you will grow friends. If you sow the seeds of love you will have love. If you sow the seeds of insecurity, hatred, selfishness and lack, that will be your harvest.

    We all should have been taught to get rid of the habit of self-centeredness around the age of 3 years old. This is what is known as learning to share. This is the act of giving something without the expectation or the demanding of something immediately given back to us. Anyone who has ever planted fruits or vegetables knows not to go out the next day or even worse, 10 minutes later and collect fully mature fruits and vegetables. So why do we expect such a fast return in life?

    Giving should be a natural part of your lifestyle. This works in personal relationships and in business. Those who go into a mature relationship with the mindset of giving will always get. A mature relationship is when those involved don’t go into it with the expectation of getting, but with the anticipation of what they can give. Many relationships, personal and business have ended because one or both parties no longer or never had the other person’s interest in mind. Their only thought was “What about MY needs.” You will hear them say things like “He/She does not excite ME anymore.”, or “I don’t love them anymore.” As if true love was an emotion and not a decision. A successful relationship happens when two giving people come together and give; not when two needy people get together expecting to get.

    Here is something for free to help you add spice to any relationship. Whenever you feel your relationships are heading in the wrong direction simply remember the letters S.P.I.C.E.D. These letters represent the following: Show Personal Interest ICommunicating Every Day.  For the men reading this, the greatest form of communication is listening and not just hearing. Send me a comment if you need more explanation.

    In business, the employee that is expecting something from the business and they don’t get it start showing up late, mistreating the customers, or even resort to stealing. The company/manager who only looks at what they can get from the employee treats them as equipment to be used and abused instead of treating them as people who were hired to bring value.

    The business that gives the best service, products, or convenience will have the most customers. The person that gives of themself the most will always have the most for themselves. If you are not used to or not comfortable with giving, this is the best time to start and no one would look at you strange. If someone asked why are you giving (kind words, gifts, help, etc), just tell them “‘Tis the season.” Start planting seeds of goodness and watch how great your harvest will be.

    If this blog has helped you in any way please leave me a comment. Thanks.

    Until next time:
    Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
    Dewong Lucas, Sr.