Category: Personal Development

  • Talk more about what you’re Doing than what you Did.

    Pass Success

    If you spend more time talking about what you did than what you’re doing…It’s time to get productive..

    Listen to the words that you or others are saying when you’re in a conversation. I more time is spent remembering the past instead of creating a future then productivity has stalled.

    The only thing you can use pass success for is a stepping stone to move you higher not a throne for you to rest on. It should be used for what I call having a David Moment. In the biblical story of David and Goliath, David was able to over come his fear partly do to the fact that he reminded himself  of his pass success. In his pass he was able to overcome great adversity on two different occasions. Once was when he killed a lion and another was a bear. He did it with his bare-hands. These pass success helped him move with confidence against the giant that stood before him.

    As the title of the song by Janet Jackson say “What have done fore me lately” is what the world around you is constantly asking. The best way to avoid hearing those words or “I’ve heard that story.” is to create new stories. Remember, the best is yet to come and “The good old days” are here and now.

    Best wishes on your success!

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

    Founder, Helping Entrepreneurs

  • When you enter FEAR, You Will Interfere


    We start to interfere with our Purpose, Destiny and our Success

    When we enter into a mental state of FEAR we immediately switch for Success thinking to Survival thinking. I believe these two types of thinking are direct opposites of each other. For example: If I told you you were standing at the edge of an alligator pit. The pit is ten feet across, ten feet wide, ten feet deep and it’s filled with hungry alligators. All of a sudden… I PUSH you in.. What is the first thought that is going through you head as you’re falling toward the alligators? Not about me but the alligators? For the survival thinker it would be “HELP! I’m going to die!” “I don’t want to die!” or would it be just “AHHHH!”

    For the success thinker it would be…. “Alligator shoes, alligator belts, alligator handbags….” Success thinking is always looking for opportunities. Survival is never good enough. You must go beyond just surviving. Survival thinking only looks to serve self, while successful thinking looks for opportunities to serve others.

    What has your thinking been lately, surviving or success? The results you’ve been getting will be a direct reflection.

    Best wishes towards your Success!

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.
    Helping Entrepreneur

    Helping Entrepreneurs

  • Entrepreneurial Secret #11

    Entrepreneurial Secret #11

    You Can’t Win Unless You Compete

    Many would be business owners never make it or reach their full potential in business or life because the are too afraid of a little competition. Many try to sneak in under the radar hoping they can become successful without their competition knowing about it. This is just a fantasy that is waiting to turn into a nightmare.

    When I refer to winning I don’t mean going into business with a scarcity mentality in which you believe that if your competition is doing well that means you won’t be able to. There is more than enough business for those who are truly willing to do what it takes to satisfy it’s customer’s and their business needs.

    You can’t win unless you are willing to fail. To fall flat on your face, get up and try again. The average successful person has failed 17 times before they got it right. No one gets the Gold Medal in the Olympics by practicing the hardest. No one gets a 100% on the test just because the spent long hours studying. You have to compete you have to put what you know or can do to the test. If you put the work in and it doesn’t turn out the way you expected. Know you tried and have no regrets. In the words of Art Williams, the man who changed a trillion dollar industry..”All you can do is all you can do”

    Thank you,

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.