Category: Goals

  • Entrepreneurial Secret #03


    Sometimes you have to disobey your Parents.

    Many of us probably remember when we were little. Like most children growing up, we were taught by our parents or some loving adult for us not to talk to strangers. That was very important then because we were young and little and it was very important for our survival. They told us that out of love and wanting to keep safe. Unfortunately sometimes the things that we’re taught when we’re little our young that was for our survival can sometimes as we become adults, specifically in the business that is actually detrimental. It could literally cause us death. Not physical death, but death to our business. It can be very destructive to our business because one of the most important things that you can do as a business owner, as an entrepreneur is to talk to strangers. Most of the people who you’re going deal with are going to be strangers. That’s if you want your business to survive. Remember, the strangers of today will become the customer, the employees and/or investors of tomorrow.

    It’s important for us to be able to extend a hand, smile, and shake hands. Practice “The five feet Rule”. Whenever we are within five feet of someone we don’t know we should be able to walk up to them, introduce ourselves and find out about the person. Specifically if we are in networking or marketing events where we are to actually mingle with other business owners or would be business partners. Find out what they do first; then let them know what we do. It is very important for us to talk strangers. By not talking to strangers we limit ourselves to our friends and family, to the people who know. Most successful businesses don’t know all their customers personally. If you are to be successful, the majority of the customers will not be people you know. In order to expand your customer base, to expand the potential partnerships and investors it is highly important for us to be able to overcome that thought that has been imbedded in our mind about not talking to strangers.

    Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs consider themselves to be shy or bashful. The thing is, we have to overcome that. I remember when I was young, I was considered to be somewhat shy. I was very afraid to talk to people. It was to the point where I was afraid to talk to my own shadow. The reality is that if we are going to do, go or grow in any area we have to be able to move yourself or push yourself out of your comfort zone. For me, I made a conscious decision after graduating High School to go to a college where I didn’t know anyone. Sink or swim. My belief is that success is where the lines of preparedness and opportunity cross. I can’t control when the opportunities will come, so I must get prepared. The funny thing is as soon as you are prepared they suddenly appear! Now I have no problem with speaking to hundreds or thousands at a time. If you need suggestions to help you push past your comfort zone, post a comment below and I make some suggestions. I if anyone else like to leave a suggestion please do so.

    As mentioned earlier, the majority of the people you will be dealing with as your business grows will be strangers. Therefore, as an entrepreneurs it is very, very import to improve our speaking, listening and rapport skills. In a future blog I will be discussing how to create business rapport. How do you generate that? What do you say? What do you do? How do you meet someone? What are some of the icebreakers you could say? Not to let them know how much you know, but to find out what they know. If all you hear is what you know, you will never learn anything new. There is one phrase that works every time in networking events. “If I were to refer someone to your business, what 3 things would I need to know?” Practice this at your next business event. The beauty is that it helps them stay focused and it make you look like a confident business owner. Besides, when have you ever met an entrepreneur who did like to talk about their business? It reminds us that every customer or potential partner is always tuned to station “WIIFM”. The “What’s In It For Me” station. So our job is to allow them their 15 minutes of fame. They will love you for it.

    To sum up Entrepreneurial Secret #3, sometimes we have to disobey our parents. We have to go against the belief that we have be taught and talk to strangers. They will be the bulk of our customer base. The more people you can add value to, to more people that will add value to you.

    If you have any comments or things you would like for me discuss, please leave a comment. I will get back to you and possibly feature your comment and you if you like in a future post.

    Thank you,

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.


  • Entrepreneurial Secret #17


    There are 4 Types of People.  In this secret I will be discussing a topic that can help you as an entrepreneur if you are someday are going to hire employees or if you haven’t started yet decide who would be a great partner for you. As I describe the four types of people think about your personality and see where do you fit. To make it easier to understand lets use an example of an assembly plant.

    1) How Person – This is the first level employee that knows HOW to do the work that needs to be done and does it. This would be the assembly line worker.

    2) What Person – This person would be the Manager or line supervisors. They know WHAT work needs to be done and delegates and supervises it to the How person.

    3) WHY Person – Th person is typically upper management or executives. They know WHY the works should be done and strategically plans it. They then hand it off to the WHAT person who then delegates it to the HOW person.

    4) WHO Person – This is the entrepreneur WHO creates the ideas that generates the work that the other 3 plans, supervises, delegates and does.

    Sometimes you as an entrepreneur may be all 4. The power of a great entrepreneur is the ability to understand and adapt to the situation.

    I have meet many people who had the ability to be great entrepreneurs. They problem was they had no desire to be. They like the idea of having the benefits, but did not what the responsibility that goes with being an entrepreneur. There were others did not mind the responsibility but could not get over the fear on not getting what they perceived as being a guaranteed paycheck every two weeks.

    You might of had a someone in mind that you wanted as a business partner and couldn’t figure out why they would not want to go into business with you. They had they the talent and abilities you needed and would be a great asset. You did everything in your power to make it an easy transition for them. You even practically offered them an office and all they had to do is play Solitaire all day, but they still refused. Don’t worry. It’s not you. There is nothing you can do to change their minds. All you can do is keep moving and later on when your business can afford it you can hire them.

    Understanding the 4 types of people will save plenty of headaches and money, by not putting wrong type person in the wrong position. Spend time memorizing each type of person. When interviewing pay attention to past employments and ask questions about future objectives, goals and dreams. The answers will help you determine where this person could fit within your organization.

    Leave a comment and let me know if this helped you or  what you think. If you have an issue in your business you would like to be address, or you need direction on starting your business just write it in the comment section.

    Thank you.

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.


  • The Quickest Path to Business Success!

    Entrepreneurs or future entrepreneurs: The quickest path to your business success is to learn from the mistakes and wisdom of others by finding a business coach or mentor.

    A Business coach is a paid adviser to help you navigate through the process of starting and operating a business. The fees vary depending on the coach and his level of expertise. The coach maintains an arms length relationship with you.

    A Business mentor on the other hand is an adviser (non paid) in which you have a personal relationship with. They have agreed to advise (not work with or for you) you start up or grow your business.

    The business coach can be acquired indirectly via bookstores, libraries and online articles and videos. Just spend the time reading, listening, and watching those who have more expertise in your field of interest. I can’t begin to tell you how much I learned about gardening and home repairs simply by watching videos on YouTube.

    The point is, there is no excuse why someone cannot start and grow a business in just about any industry they choose. As long you are willing to put the work in, learn what you need to do, and do it. You can succeed in business.

    I learned that whatever reason I may have had there was someone who was worse off and still made it happen. It doesn’t matter how bad things may be. It only matters how bad you what things to change.

    Start moving forward with what you have and where you are. Your age, ethnicity, height, weight, money, or most other things does not matter. As long as you are still breathing, and able to understand and communicate I believe you can start or grow a business if that’s your desire. The question is do you believe it.

    Take the next 7 days to find a coach or mentor. Do this only after you have defined what success means to you. I discussed this in an earlier blog on “Entrepreneurial Secret #1”. Once that’s done and you have a coach/mentor duplicate their process, but not their personality. Be true to who you are and your customers, and possible employees and suppliers will love you for it.

    Until next time:
    Keep Fighting the B.E.A.R.
    (Beliefs Eliminating Access to Riches)
    Dewong Lucas Sr.

    Leave an honest comment below to let me know if this was helpful. If you have a pain point in your business that you would like to see in future blogs also leave it below. Thanks!

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