Category: Goals

  • Cut to the front of the line, by being the one giving to the line.


    Many business owners believe that giving back is something big companies do as a public relations (PR) stunt just to bring a good image to a brand or company. The reality is the every business has something that they can give back to. It could be a local event or cause or national one. It really does matter. In my opinion everything starts locally, unless you are strictly an online business.

    If you’re an individual entrepreneur giving back could mean mentoring, or providing free services or training. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Many individuals are only one donation, one volunteer, or one piece of information that could set them on the path to great success. The giving back doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. It just needs to be a gesture.

    The bottom line is that everyone and every company has the ability to give back and give someone else a helping hand. The only reason some don’t is that they may feel they are at the back and they should be receiving. That type of mentality will take you to the back and keep you there. You can’t compete; forget about dominating if you believe in scarcity.

    Wishing you Great Success

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

    Founder, Helping Entrepreneurs

  • To Fly Like an Eagle..You Must Be Willing to Work Like a Dog


    Many new entrepreneurs and some long timers, look around to see other businesses succeeding and wonder why theirs haven’t taken off. Some assume those businesses were lucky, had great connections, or had tons of money to advertise. That may be true in a few cases, but for the majority this is far from the truth.

    The reality is, most follow close to if not to the letter of a success formula (KUSA) that I discovered years ago. The key ingredient in the formula is action! Action is another word for work. No matter how you slice it, the only time play comes before work is in the dictionary. You must be willing to put the work in first. And not just any work. It must be planned, purposeful and effective work. Working for the sake of doing work keeps you busy, but you don’t accomplish very much except get you tired.

    The most work and the most fear is at the beginning. But you must BEGIN! A race was never won a spectator. You have to get in and start running. Once you get moving less energy is needed to keep moving. Basic physics tells us that in order push something across the floor we first have to overcome the friction, the resistance to change. That is also true for us. I believe that’s nature’s way of seeing if we’re really serious.

    Every new height you’re able reach is made possible because of the work in did in the previous one. If you truly want to sore like an eagle then be willing to work like a dog. Willing doesn’t mean you always will, it just mean when you need to you will. No complaining, no hesitation just grind it out.

    Best wishes on your success!

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

    Founder, Helping Entrepreneurs

  • Talk more about what you’re Doing than what you Did.

    Pass Success

    If you spend more time talking about what you did than what you’re doing…It’s time to get productive..

    Listen to the words that you or others are saying when you’re in a conversation. I more time is spent remembering the past instead of creating a future then productivity has stalled.

    The only thing you can use pass success for is a stepping stone to move you higher not a throne for you to rest on. It should be used for what I call having a David Moment. In the biblical story of David and Goliath, David was able to over come his fear partly do to the fact that he reminded himself  of his pass success. In his pass he was able to overcome great adversity on two different occasions. Once was when he killed a lion and another was a bear. He did it with his bare-hands. These pass success helped him move with confidence against the giant that stood before him.

    As the title of the song by Janet Jackson say “What have done fore me lately” is what the world around you is constantly asking. The best way to avoid hearing those words or “I’ve heard that story.” is to create new stories. Remember, the best is yet to come and “The good old days” are here and now.

    Best wishes on your success!

    Dewong Lucas, Sr.

    Founder, Helping Entrepreneurs