Successful Thinking vs Survival Thinking (HD Crashed!)

HE_FaceBookBgI remember years ago while giving presentations and trainings, I would begin with a question. The question was “if you squeeze an orange what comes out?” I would be amazed at the initial facial expressions. They would then start to think I was asking a trick question. It was not a trick question. If I asked you the same question what would you say? The simple and correct answer is orange juice. The next question would be “Why?” After the many scientific answer someone would finally say the simple and correct answer “Because that’s what’s inside!” That also applies to our thinking. If we are to change our outcomes and our incomes we first must change what’s inside.

So how do we get and keep this “Successful” thinking? It must become a habit. It takes on average 21 days for any habit to take hold. So for a minimum of 21 days practice looking for opportunities. Ask questions like “Why is it done that way?”, “Is there a better way to do it?”, “What problems are many people complaining about that I have a solution for?” “What is the positive in this situation?”

This past weekend I had an opportunity to practice what I call success thinking. Over the weekend there was a power glitch at my house. The power shut off just long enough to shut down my computer and long enough to damage my hard drive! This was the drive were all my business files, web designs, programs I wrote, audio files, and 15 years of family pictures were (saved)!!! Of course all my notes for upcoming blog posts and eBooks that have not been published. This was almost 1,000 GB (1TB) worth of data. At this point I had to options. I could get upset and start a pity party in which I was the guest of honor or I could step back from the situation and look for solutions. The second option was not the easiest option, but at some point in your life you have to DECIDE to not let your emotions control your actions and do what is necessary to win. After hours of trying to get access to the data, and looking into data recovery services I had to cut my losses and start planning my next moves.

After the initial deer in the headlights wore off, I came to the conclusion that I had to start from scratch and rebuild all the projects, re-write the programs, re-record my videos and audios, and re-write my eBooks. I had to consume this giant elephant. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I had to prioritize what was critical, important, and necessary. Not based on how I felt about it but based on the results I wanted. After making a list of everything I needed to get done, I prioritized them and started with the Critical and working my way down to the necessary. I know some things may take me months or maybe years to complete. The one thing that I am certain of is this. I got my wish about having a chance to start over knowing what you know now. I know this time it will be even better than before and it will take me less time to get there! Of course, how to minimize the possibilities of it happening again. This type of thinking takes time and practice to develop, but I know if I can get there so can you. It all start with imagination and knowing that problems are going to occur, and mistakes are going to happen. Just practice imaging the outcome you would like to have as often as possible and work towards it daily.

It has been proven that when we allow ourselves to imagine like a child we unleash our unlimited creative solutions. The more we practice our imagination muscle the stronger it becomes. Remember we should imagine like a child, but perform and conduct ourselves like adults. (Doing our research, planning, gather resources, taking massive action and taking responsibilities for successes and setbacks.)

Start today practicing the habits of successful thinking. Tomorrow is not promised and all you have and all you will ever have is NOW.

Wishing you the best and much success!

Dewong Lucas, Sr.


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